• Tuesday, 19 June 2018

    Form Five Schools Joining Instructions Forms 2018/19 | Form Five selected students Joining Instructions Forms 2018/19.

    The National Council for Technical Education (NACTE) was established by Act of Parliament Cap. 129 to oversee and coordinate the provision of technical education and training in Tanzania. Technical education and training in this context is defined as:

    “Education and training undertaken by students to equip them to play roles requiring higher levels of skills, knowledge, understanding and attitudes/ethics and in which they take responsibility for their areas of specialization.”

    The mandate of the National Council for Technical Education as derived from Cap. 129 is three fold and may be summarized as below:

        RegulatoryFunction: to establish the regulatory framework for technical education and training, leading to quality assured qualifications;
        Quality AssuranceFunction: to assist technical institutions to improve and maintain the quality of the education they provide and to ensure that their programmes meet labour market demand, by guiding and monitoring their adherence to the regulatory framework; and
        Advisory Function:to advise both Government and technical institutions on the strategic development of technical education and training can be made.

    These three aspects are interrelated and together make up the core functions of NACTE; a process leading to quality assured qualifications in technical education and training in our country

    This scope of NACTE covers all tertiary education and training institutions other than universities and their affiliated colleges, delivering courses at technician, semiprofessional and professional levels leading to awards of certificates, diplomas degrees and other related awards.

    The President Office and the Local Government, Announced Joining Instruction Forms For Form Five Students selected 2018/19.


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